Waveney Rush Limited was created on account of the skills and passion of
a group of East Anglian Weavers and the ingenuity of a local business
that wanted to keep hard working and loyal seasonal workers in
employment throughout the entire year.
In 1947 an apple growing and harvesting company called Waveney Apple
Growers, based in Aldeby, took over the local rush industry workshop to
offer their multitude of seasonal workers a means of employment
throughout the winter. The skills of rush weaving were passed from
individual to individual, generation to generation, and the business
thrived supplying baskets and carpets to National Trust and Heritage
properties as well as Royalty, at home and abroad, and many renowned
designers and notable individuals. Our rush matting is still known by
some today as 'apple matting' on account of this past affiliation with
Waveney Apple Growers.
In 1999 Waveney Apple Growers relocated and the rush business was sold
separately and renamed Waveney Rush Limited. The Truman family purchased
the business and operations were transferred from Aldeby to its current
site at The Old Maltings on the North Bank of Oulton Broad. The family
have remained committed to the cause of preserving the craft and the
knowledge and unique skills of the team of weavers amidst difficult
economic conditions and fierce competition from imported imitations. New
weavers have been trained, and visits from local groups and enthusiasts
are welcomed and enjoyed by all.
The craft of rush weaving dates back to Anglo-Saxon times and is
believed to be East Anglia's oldest recorded industry. Rush weaving
prospered as a cottage industry and groups of ladies would gather in
their houses and villages to use the locally sourced rushes to weave
baskets and carpets. In medieval times rushes would be strewn on the
floors for warmth; in latter years the rushes were then braided and sewn
together to make beautiful and practical carpets for the more affluent.
Rush mattresses were also commonly used by the upper classes as one of
the many 'layers' that constituted a finished mattress.
Today the techniques and craftsmanship of rush weaving remain unchanged
and the long history of the craft continues; constantly adapting to find
and maintain its place in the modern era. All of our customers are part
of this history and help us to preserve the craft and the skills of our
weavers for future generations to learn about and appreciate.
Our Living History
Whilst the
hairstyles and fashions may have changed over the years, the way
we prepare our rushes has not changed... |
The way we weave
the rushes has not changed... |
The way we sew our
baskets and matting has not changed...
Waveney Rush's long and rich past is embedded in our work, our
experience and our quality. All of the unique skills involved
have been passed down through the generations of weavers
ensuring that the expertise of our predecessors is preserved,
and their knowledge and understanding of the craft developed to
ensure the survival of a piece of our country's manufacturing